Another great night yesterday. A few of us were sat around in out home station, chatting about weapon rigs and throwing cats from the air locks when we decided some gang action would be fun. Seven of us ganged up together and headed out.
We had already decided that we would be using frigates as they are very cheap and we didn’t really have any desire to bring them home again. We were out to have some fun, and hopefully get someone else to come play with us.
We formed up at a gate and set of, with a scout always one jump ahead to call out contacts and the gang tightly controlled to keep us together.
And so it began….
Several jumps in and all we’d seen were friendly’s on they way to scout meetings and bake sales, a quick chat to see if any action was expected and we moved on. It quickly became apparent hat for some reason the inhabitants of the drone region had all gone home for the night, and although their were signs of fighting, (pod kills in last hour etc..) we were yet to find anyone.
Then, just as the banter became crude, and we started to comment on the colour of each system we hit pay dirt. The scout reported 5 neutrals in the next system. We were each assigned a belt and we jumped in, fingers hovering over the function keys ready to ruin someone’s day.
In we went…. changing session… they sky was red……right click……….bugger.
Their was over 15 asteroid belts, we had been assigned the first 5. By the time we had check them all they would be in deep safe spots. We cut our losses, although we hadn’t lost anything, and left.
Next time we would find out how many belts b4 we jumped into a system, lesson learnt.
After a dozen more jumps, and still no action we we’re starting to get nervous. Had we stumbled onto the test server?
Then we ran into some more blues, after a quick chat we found out that they had just came through a gate camp with multiple big nasty ships sitting pew pewing smaller more vulnerable ships. Sounds like my sought of fight….
We headed towards this mysterious gate with the belief that any self respecting gate camping pirate would gladly fight a few lonely frigates coming back from the depths of 0.0.
Moments later we were on the gate into the system that held hope of a good fight, our scout went in. Vent went quiet. The scout was silent……Loading,…….Loading………
Bugger, "The node has crashed me out!"
But hay, who are we to complain, we figured we might as well jump, as even if their was a camp set up on the other side, that’s what we were here for!
We all jumped, are screens went black……screens still black…….still black……..
For two hours I sat and watched my screen change through various shades of black, then maybe that was just the alcohol!
Once I finally got back onto the server took me 4 minutes to traverse the 400m to the gate so that I could jump. I wasn’t happy, especially since most of my gang were either still locked out or had long since logged in and been killed by rats waiting for the ship to respond.
So it was that alone I began the 17 jumps back to my home base so that I could log of knowing that my ship was safe to fight another day.
Then it happened, 6 jumps from home the call went across alliance chat that several tech 2 ships had entered our system and had been actively hunting ED members.
I saw red and started willing my ship to move faster, bolts were shacking, doors were rattling and the engine began to cry as I flew through gate after gate at breakneck speed.
Moments later I entered the loop where we had the guy cornered, I was in a Merlin fitted for drone killing and tackling, so sitting amongst the battleships and destroyers I felt a little small to say the least.
He came through the gate we were passing, I asked with cat like reflexes and jabbed his name until my fingers bled and knuckles wept. In less than a second I had him locked (impressive) and was racing towards him at 800m/s, closing the distance quickly I saw that my gang mates had only just realised he was in system.
His ship started to turn, he was going to try and run into warp. I willed my finger onto a button and it’s icon went green, I had him scrambled! He wasn't going anywhere WOOT.
Now orbiting at 1km I clicked the rest of by icons, NOS turned on, sensor jammers came to life and my web sucked the life from his engine. He was a sitting duck.
He must have known this, but instead of ejecting and warping away he fought on, T2 drones appeared and began shooting, I turned on my smart bombs, and the drones began to cry…..I laughed!
It was all over within two minutes, he was dead, we took no losses and I collected the loot. He was fully fitted with tech 2 gear and fought well. Unfortunately for him, he chose to fly with cowards, his friends logged off before we could hunt them down.
One kill for the night for the gang, which I assisted my making sure the victim remained for the show, I even managed to scramble his Pod as he tried to fly away from his wreck.
“The more you sweat in peacetime, the less you bleed during war.”
Chinese Proverb
Wednesday, 16 May 2007
Tuesday, 15 May 2007
Wolf Pack
So their I was, sat watching my missiles do the dirty on some drones, trying to make up the rest of the corp rent that I missed last week and the call to arms came through alliance chat.
Some people had come into out little corner of the universe and tried to mark their territory. We weren’t happy and went after then. At the time I was again in my drake, unfortunately not the correct setup for pvp so I rushed back to the station and jumped into a Merlin, bumping my head on the way in.
Quickly checking my fittings from the last time I flew it, I realised that it was still rigged as a blockade runner from my visit to empire and the resulting gate camps I had to run to get home. Luckily I had checked, as it wouldn’t be the first time I’d un docked and not had any weapons fitted.
Looking through my available modules I settled for a few sensor jammers, NOS, and some smart bombs. I knew that they were mainly in large ships, hurricanes and the such, and were flying without escorts or scouts. The theory was that if I was small and fast enough I could get in close and scramble them whilst working on the shields and drones with the smart bombs. The ship cost total of about 1 million ISK. Not a massive amount, more importantly, it was a ship I could afford to loose.
Once we’d started to form up on the gate I couldn’t help but feel warm and fuzzy inside. Here I was sat in the middle of space, in a ship that costs about as much as any tech 2 module, and I was on the right side of a hunt.
Once assembled we jumped, they were nowhere to be seen. I didn’t think it would be that easy.
We spread out, the main fleet sat on the gate ready to jump out of harms way whilst I ran around the system checking the connecting systems. I became a scout, one of the most exiting things I’ve ever done. My job was to let my comrades know the location of the other fleet so they could go and kill it. By doing this I was putting my ship and capsule on the line.
I could go on for a while of how we moved from system to system like a well organised organic mass for 20 minutes, with the fleet commander issuing orders and naturally and calmly as if he were ordering takeout, but their really wasn't much point.
They had run away, the speed that we counterd the attack was awsome, the fire power bought to bear was formidable, and our courage un stoppable.
They didn't come back that night so we all headed back and continued chaining rats, and making bread for supper.
I’ve had my first fleet op, and I have to say. Its much more enjoyable than the confused mess that was my last encounter. I’m certain of what I want to do now, that’s PvP, preferably in a fleet, its always nice to have friends watching your back……
"War may sometimes be a necessary evil. But no matter how necessary, it is always an evil, never a good. We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other's children. "
Jimmy Carter
Some people had come into out little corner of the universe and tried to mark their territory. We weren’t happy and went after then. At the time I was again in my drake, unfortunately not the correct setup for pvp so I rushed back to the station and jumped into a Merlin, bumping my head on the way in.
Quickly checking my fittings from the last time I flew it, I realised that it was still rigged as a blockade runner from my visit to empire and the resulting gate camps I had to run to get home. Luckily I had checked, as it wouldn’t be the first time I’d un docked and not had any weapons fitted.
Looking through my available modules I settled for a few sensor jammers, NOS, and some smart bombs. I knew that they were mainly in large ships, hurricanes and the such, and were flying without escorts or scouts. The theory was that if I was small and fast enough I could get in close and scramble them whilst working on the shields and drones with the smart bombs. The ship cost total of about 1 million ISK. Not a massive amount, more importantly, it was a ship I could afford to loose.
Once we’d started to form up on the gate I couldn’t help but feel warm and fuzzy inside. Here I was sat in the middle of space, in a ship that costs about as much as any tech 2 module, and I was on the right side of a hunt.
Once assembled we jumped, they were nowhere to be seen. I didn’t think it would be that easy.
We spread out, the main fleet sat on the gate ready to jump out of harms way whilst I ran around the system checking the connecting systems. I became a scout, one of the most exiting things I’ve ever done. My job was to let my comrades know the location of the other fleet so they could go and kill it. By doing this I was putting my ship and capsule on the line.
I could go on for a while of how we moved from system to system like a well organised organic mass for 20 minutes, with the fleet commander issuing orders and naturally and calmly as if he were ordering takeout, but their really wasn't much point.
They had run away, the speed that we counterd the attack was awsome, the fire power bought to bear was formidable, and our courage un stoppable.
They didn't come back that night so we all headed back and continued chaining rats, and making bread for supper.
I’ve had my first fleet op, and I have to say. Its much more enjoyable than the confused mess that was my last encounter. I’m certain of what I want to do now, that’s PvP, preferably in a fleet, its always nice to have friends watching your back……
"War may sometimes be a necessary evil. But no matter how necessary, it is always an evil, never a good. We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other's children. "
Jimmy Carter
Thursday, 10 May 2007
Why do I play Eve?
So, I was sat their last night, watching missile after missile crash into the side of a few drones, wondering what drones think about when I’m not here tearing their little ships apart, and I found myself wondering why I play Eve.
I’m not a kid, by no means, but neither am I middle aged, if you were to look at me in the street you’d probably think I was on the way to the pub, or returning from work in some open plan office. I doubt you’d be wrong, but I also seem to spend a huge amount of my time watching my virtual ship do various things.
Now, don’t get the wrong end of the stick here, I’m not saying that I’m losing interest in Eve, far from it, but I couldn’t help wonder why I was playing.
I think I’ve finally sussed it out. If I weren’t playing Eve, there is a fair chance that I’d be watching TV, or playing on a console instead. Eve doesn’t take time away from the rest of my life, it just fills most of the gaps- a time that is usually filled with TV.
The only difference between TV and Eve is that unlike TV I can have a say what the outcome is (Not counting the “interactive” TV that charges a fortune to vote people off). This outcome varies greatly, from which ship you want to fly, to whether or not you want to join in the war that’s happening next door.
No other game that I’ve played on such a scale is so open to so many playing styles and choices. I’m a fan of FPS games, but again these tend to be linear, with choices limited to left or right at the end of passages.
I think Eve is a great game; I even like the pirates and scammers. After all, what’s the point of creating a utopian world? It just wouldn’t be realistic.
I’m back to ratting now, as you may have picked up on. The main aim at the moment is to get myself sorted in 0.0 space. That means having lots of liquid assets, spare ships and modules to fit them for multiple tasks.
I also want t equip my clones with the best implants, so that when I’m not playing I can jump back to safe space and learn that little bit quicker-but again, moeny is needed.
I’m now getting 200 damage from a good hit with my missiles after fitting my Drake with a bunch of rigs, my shield will also be getting a little better, once I can find some Purge rigs. Not sure why I’m going to fit them, I can already tank 3 BC and 4 Frigs without worrying.
I need to start trying to find some ice belts in the drone region, lots of POS’s are springing up, and selling ice products should be quite lucrative….
Bye for now, and fly safe.
"I dream of giving birth to a child who will ask, "Mother, what was war?"" ~Eve Merriam
I’m not a kid, by no means, but neither am I middle aged, if you were to look at me in the street you’d probably think I was on the way to the pub, or returning from work in some open plan office. I doubt you’d be wrong, but I also seem to spend a huge amount of my time watching my virtual ship do various things.
Now, don’t get the wrong end of the stick here, I’m not saying that I’m losing interest in Eve, far from it, but I couldn’t help wonder why I was playing.
I think I’ve finally sussed it out. If I weren’t playing Eve, there is a fair chance that I’d be watching TV, or playing on a console instead. Eve doesn’t take time away from the rest of my life, it just fills most of the gaps- a time that is usually filled with TV.
The only difference between TV and Eve is that unlike TV I can have a say what the outcome is (Not counting the “interactive” TV that charges a fortune to vote people off). This outcome varies greatly, from which ship you want to fly, to whether or not you want to join in the war that’s happening next door.
No other game that I’ve played on such a scale is so open to so many playing styles and choices. I’m a fan of FPS games, but again these tend to be linear, with choices limited to left or right at the end of passages.
I think Eve is a great game; I even like the pirates and scammers. After all, what’s the point of creating a utopian world? It just wouldn’t be realistic.
I’m back to ratting now, as you may have picked up on. The main aim at the moment is to get myself sorted in 0.0 space. That means having lots of liquid assets, spare ships and modules to fit them for multiple tasks.
I also want t equip my clones with the best implants, so that when I’m not playing I can jump back to safe space and learn that little bit quicker-but again, moeny is needed.
I’m now getting 200 damage from a good hit with my missiles after fitting my Drake with a bunch of rigs, my shield will also be getting a little better, once I can find some Purge rigs. Not sure why I’m going to fit them, I can already tank 3 BC and 4 Frigs without worrying.
I need to start trying to find some ice belts in the drone region, lots of POS’s are springing up, and selling ice products should be quite lucrative….
Bye for now, and fly safe.
"I dream of giving birth to a child who will ask, "Mother, what was war?"" ~Eve Merriam
Friday, 4 May 2007
The end of an Empire
Christ my head hurts, well not my head, Barbs head, but then she is me. Or am I her?
I’m confused.
Last night I took a trip back to Empire space, that is, space where people can’t shoot you without reason. I chose last night to go as our little war with the privateer alliance has juts came to a close. This means that we can travel freely in empire without being shot at every gate camp they have set up, WOOT.
The sole purpose of my trip was to fill up on a few necessities, like bread and milk. That is if bread and milk make your ship faster and guns more dangerous.
I spent just over 200 million ISK, almost my whole wallet, on skills and modules that I’ve found nearly impossible to find in 0.0 space. I’ve also managed to create a contract for most of my stuff to be bought to my new home over the next few days; so hopefully, it’ll be waiting for me when I get home.
One thing struck me as I went through the gate into my first “safe” system for almost a month, I didn’t like it. I’m a changed man, I used to like the fact that whilst under the protection of concord I was safe from harm, but when your in a system of 600 people (Jita), the odds are that you’re not going to like at least 20-30 of them. I’m guessing this number, I’m fairly sure that If I met every one of them, I’d want to punch half in the face, and drown another quarter, no real reason, I’m sure their lovely people. But they all seem to complain about the lag in Jita, yet still insist on using it for everything from ratting, shopping, selling and ganking noobs.
Anyway, back to my point. I’ve spent the last month staring at my local chat channel, ready to warp and shoot when someone comes near. Not having to do that (or rather not being able) is almost like having to learn to drive on the other side of the road. It just feels, well wrong.
Within minutes of entering the system I felt like a nomadic herdsman, coming home from hunting to find a McDonalds in his back garden, and neon lights offering various services for cash.
I can’t wait to get back to safety of 0.0. I know I’m in mortal danger the entire time I’m there, but I feel safer for some reason.
One good side to my trip is that my head is now full of 34 new skills, from baking to long ranger weapon somethingorother.
Wallet empty and not wanting to come back any time soon, I’m off again back to 0.0. Hopefully my next trip won’t be for a while….
"The direct use of force is such a poor solution to any problem, it is generally employed only by small children and large nations." ~David Friedman
I’m confused.
Last night I took a trip back to Empire space, that is, space where people can’t shoot you without reason. I chose last night to go as our little war with the privateer alliance has juts came to a close. This means that we can travel freely in empire without being shot at every gate camp they have set up, WOOT.
The sole purpose of my trip was to fill up on a few necessities, like bread and milk. That is if bread and milk make your ship faster and guns more dangerous.
I spent just over 200 million ISK, almost my whole wallet, on skills and modules that I’ve found nearly impossible to find in 0.0 space. I’ve also managed to create a contract for most of my stuff to be bought to my new home over the next few days; so hopefully, it’ll be waiting for me when I get home.
One thing struck me as I went through the gate into my first “safe” system for almost a month, I didn’t like it. I’m a changed man, I used to like the fact that whilst under the protection of concord I was safe from harm, but when your in a system of 600 people (Jita), the odds are that you’re not going to like at least 20-30 of them. I’m guessing this number, I’m fairly sure that If I met every one of them, I’d want to punch half in the face, and drown another quarter, no real reason, I’m sure their lovely people. But they all seem to complain about the lag in Jita, yet still insist on using it for everything from ratting, shopping, selling and ganking noobs.
Anyway, back to my point. I’ve spent the last month staring at my local chat channel, ready to warp and shoot when someone comes near. Not having to do that (or rather not being able) is almost like having to learn to drive on the other side of the road. It just feels, well wrong.
Within minutes of entering the system I felt like a nomadic herdsman, coming home from hunting to find a McDonalds in his back garden, and neon lights offering various services for cash.
I can’t wait to get back to safety of 0.0. I know I’m in mortal danger the entire time I’m there, but I feel safer for some reason.
One good side to my trip is that my head is now full of 34 new skills, from baking to long ranger weapon somethingorother.
Wallet empty and not wanting to come back any time soon, I’m off again back to 0.0. Hopefully my next trip won’t be for a while….
"The direct use of force is such a poor solution to any problem, it is generally employed only by small children and large nations." ~David Friedman
Thursday, 3 May 2007
The plan of things to come....
Woot, 200 ,million in the bank. Not a massive achievement for many people, but the first time I’ve had so much money in pure cash, without the need to spend it on recent losses. YAY.
I’ve got another drake fully fitted after my previous loss, and our little corner of eve has been quiet the last few days so I haven’t had to put my poor drake back into harms way…yet.
I’ve decided that my pew pew ship is going to be a Raven, a pure missile boat at heart. Having learnt valuable lessons previously I’m not going to rush into this endeavour without the proper skills, this in mind, I’m going to fill my hanger full of Merlin’s for the next few weeks, full of Webbers and warp scramblers. This is so that when the call to arms is sounded I don’t run straight into a fight in a ship that will cost a weeks ratting money. Maximum I’ll loose a few million per fight, an manageable loss to get started I think.
The other plus side of this is that it will free my Drake up for mopping up rats in my spare time, without having to re-fit it every time. So far I’v got about 1 million SP in missile skills, with most of the basics running at Lvl4. Once I get a Raven kitted with Missile rigs and Nos, (not to mention an awesome active tank, it should enable me to hold my own in most fights….we’ll see.
I’ve also hatched another plan this week, that’s all I’m going to say on the matter.
So, if all goes well, I’ll be sitting in a frigate this time next week, whizzing around your hull at 900m/s slowly draining your shields and NOS ready for a corp mate in a bigger ship to come and finish you off.
See you on the other side.
" May God have mercy on my enemies because I won't " Gen. George S. Patton
I’ve got another drake fully fitted after my previous loss, and our little corner of eve has been quiet the last few days so I haven’t had to put my poor drake back into harms way…yet.
I’ve decided that my pew pew ship is going to be a Raven, a pure missile boat at heart. Having learnt valuable lessons previously I’m not going to rush into this endeavour without the proper skills, this in mind, I’m going to fill my hanger full of Merlin’s for the next few weeks, full of Webbers and warp scramblers. This is so that when the call to arms is sounded I don’t run straight into a fight in a ship that will cost a weeks ratting money. Maximum I’ll loose a few million per fight, an manageable loss to get started I think.
The other plus side of this is that it will free my Drake up for mopping up rats in my spare time, without having to re-fit it every time. So far I’v got about 1 million SP in missile skills, with most of the basics running at Lvl4. Once I get a Raven kitted with Missile rigs and Nos, (not to mention an awesome active tank, it should enable me to hold my own in most fights….we’ll see.
I’ve also hatched another plan this week, that’s all I’m going to say on the matter.
So, if all goes well, I’ll be sitting in a frigate this time next week, whizzing around your hull at 900m/s slowly draining your shields and NOS ready for a corp mate in a bigger ship to come and finish you off.
See you on the other side.
" May God have mercy on my enemies because I won't " Gen. George S. Patton
Tuesday, 1 May 2007
Fight Night
Without doubt last night was the best night of my eve career so far.
This is for two very simple reasons. The first is that I died, the second that it was my choice.
Yep., that’s right, I strapped myself into a drake, and warped into the middle of a fight, for no other reason than I wanted to. Let me explain from the beginning.
Last night whilst I was ratting, a gang of bad guys appeared in our system and headed straight for our station spooling for a fight. Having already decided that if someone came into our territory that I would drop what I was doing and go and say hi, it was with a cry of glee that I started to align for the jump gate to go and help out.
Moments later, amidst the confused chatter in alliance chat, and on vent, I managed to make out that they were sat about 20km from the station, shooting at anyone that tried to fight back.
It was around then that I came into the system, pointing my ship towards the station I hit warp, I’d set the distance to 70km, as my ship was capable of throwing missile after missile up to 60k this would put me in a nice place to sit on the edge of battle and snipe so to speak. IT didn’t go quite like that.
Just as I got to the station we had started to organise and fight back, and boy did we fight back. Missiles and drones filled my screen, crisscrossing space like a flock of birds, only these were birds that wanted you dead!
Locking on to the nearest target, a Hurricane Battle cruiser I saw that it still had full shields. Luckily I had previously been shooting drones, so all my launchers were full of Thunder bolts, missiles that deliver an EMP charge, ideal for getting rid of those pesky shields.
Now, before I go on, I’d like to point out that I knew I wasn’t going to make much of a difference in this fight, my sole aim was to last as long as possible and try to help out my alliance for a bit.
Once more unto the breach….As my first missiles slammed into the shields of the Hurricane I smiled, for the first time in the months I’ve played eve I was in a fight by choice. I hadn’t been ambushed or insta-popped at a gate, and I stood a chance of inflicting some pain.
As my second, then third volley smashed into the shields of the guy in front of me I notices two ships heading for me, not a problem, they were small……
Bad decision, as soon as they got within 20km, my engines were webbed and my warp engines wouldn’t work. I just had to hope my tank would hold against the annoying little buggers!
During this time I had go the hurricanes shields almost down. Seven or eight volleys with seven missiles in each had gone his way, each inflicting 170 damage. That’s around nine thousand damage point, all in a few minutes. It was going well.
It was around this point that the hurricane pilot must have seen me, or at least decided to take care of me. His guns started tracking me, and his two friends that were orbiting me far to fast to be shot at jammed my sensors. I was dead in the water.
Round after round from his 250mm cannons slammed into me, shacking my head and causing me to bite hard on my bottom lip. Aware that I was already dead, my ship just hadn’t caught up yet I grabbed a beer and sat back, idly hitting the warp button to the moon in front of me, just in case the scrambler lost his lock.
My ship disintegrated around me, the capacitor empty, the shields over loaded and the hull being shredded I ejected into space and tried to warp away from the melee.
Unfortunately I was already locked by several people and it didn’t take long for my capsule to become nothing more than an extremely cold grave.
I couldn’t help think that I should have served my crew better, but then, they do come free with the ship!
I woke up moments later back in the station and started to equip another drake, hoping that I could go back out and fire of another few rounds as the fight came to a close.
Un fortunately I couldn’t get my hands on any more missile launchers, or for that matter any shield upgrades. So I was resigned to sitting in the station listing to my comrades in arms’ chase away the enemy’s ships and attempt to track them out of our space.
I lost a fully fitted Drake, which I had spent around 45 million crafting, and I didn’t care. I would build another one, and do the same thing next time because I had had my trial by fire and tasted blood, and I liked it.
Be warned if you’re thinking of coming into the drone regions, I’ll be here, I’ll be waiting.
Kill mail can be seen here.
"We shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France. We shall fight on the seas and oceans. We shall fight with growing strength in the air. We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields and in the streets. We shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender."- Winston Churchill
This is for two very simple reasons. The first is that I died, the second that it was my choice.
Yep., that’s right, I strapped myself into a drake, and warped into the middle of a fight, for no other reason than I wanted to. Let me explain from the beginning.
Last night whilst I was ratting, a gang of bad guys appeared in our system and headed straight for our station spooling for a fight. Having already decided that if someone came into our territory that I would drop what I was doing and go and say hi, it was with a cry of glee that I started to align for the jump gate to go and help out.
Moments later, amidst the confused chatter in alliance chat, and on vent, I managed to make out that they were sat about 20km from the station, shooting at anyone that tried to fight back.
It was around then that I came into the system, pointing my ship towards the station I hit warp, I’d set the distance to 70km, as my ship was capable of throwing missile after missile up to 60k this would put me in a nice place to sit on the edge of battle and snipe so to speak. IT didn’t go quite like that.
Just as I got to the station we had started to organise and fight back, and boy did we fight back. Missiles and drones filled my screen, crisscrossing space like a flock of birds, only these were birds that wanted you dead!
Locking on to the nearest target, a Hurricane Battle cruiser I saw that it still had full shields. Luckily I had previously been shooting drones, so all my launchers were full of Thunder bolts, missiles that deliver an EMP charge, ideal for getting rid of those pesky shields.
Now, before I go on, I’d like to point out that I knew I wasn’t going to make much of a difference in this fight, my sole aim was to last as long as possible and try to help out my alliance for a bit.
Once more unto the breach….As my first missiles slammed into the shields of the Hurricane I smiled, for the first time in the months I’ve played eve I was in a fight by choice. I hadn’t been ambushed or insta-popped at a gate, and I stood a chance of inflicting some pain.
As my second, then third volley smashed into the shields of the guy in front of me I notices two ships heading for me, not a problem, they were small……
Bad decision, as soon as they got within 20km, my engines were webbed and my warp engines wouldn’t work. I just had to hope my tank would hold against the annoying little buggers!
During this time I had go the hurricanes shields almost down. Seven or eight volleys with seven missiles in each had gone his way, each inflicting 170 damage. That’s around nine thousand damage point, all in a few minutes. It was going well.
It was around this point that the hurricane pilot must have seen me, or at least decided to take care of me. His guns started tracking me, and his two friends that were orbiting me far to fast to be shot at jammed my sensors. I was dead in the water.
Round after round from his 250mm cannons slammed into me, shacking my head and causing me to bite hard on my bottom lip. Aware that I was already dead, my ship just hadn’t caught up yet I grabbed a beer and sat back, idly hitting the warp button to the moon in front of me, just in case the scrambler lost his lock.
My ship disintegrated around me, the capacitor empty, the shields over loaded and the hull being shredded I ejected into space and tried to warp away from the melee.
Unfortunately I was already locked by several people and it didn’t take long for my capsule to become nothing more than an extremely cold grave.
I couldn’t help think that I should have served my crew better, but then, they do come free with the ship!
I woke up moments later back in the station and started to equip another drake, hoping that I could go back out and fire of another few rounds as the fight came to a close.
Un fortunately I couldn’t get my hands on any more missile launchers, or for that matter any shield upgrades. So I was resigned to sitting in the station listing to my comrades in arms’ chase away the enemy’s ships and attempt to track them out of our space.
I lost a fully fitted Drake, which I had spent around 45 million crafting, and I didn’t care. I would build another one, and do the same thing next time because I had had my trial by fire and tasted blood, and I liked it.
Be warned if you’re thinking of coming into the drone regions, I’ll be here, I’ll be waiting.
Kill mail can be seen here.
"We shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France. We shall fight on the seas and oceans. We shall fight with growing strength in the air. We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields and in the streets. We shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender."- Winston Churchill
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