Thursday, 10 May 2007

Why do I play Eve?

So, I was sat their last night, watching missile after missile crash into the side of a few drones, wondering what drones think about when I’m not here tearing their little ships apart, and I found myself wondering why I play Eve.

I’m not a kid, by no means, but neither am I middle aged, if you were to look at me in the street you’d probably think I was on the way to the pub, or returning from work in some open plan office. I doubt you’d be wrong, but I also seem to spend a huge amount of my time watching my virtual ship do various things.

Now, don’t get the wrong end of the stick here, I’m not saying that I’m losing interest in Eve, far from it, but I couldn’t help wonder why I was playing.

I think I’ve finally sussed it out. If I weren’t playing Eve, there is a fair chance that I’d be watching TV, or playing on a console instead. Eve doesn’t take time away from the rest of my life, it just fills most of the gaps- a time that is usually filled with TV.

The only difference between TV and Eve is that unlike TV I can have a say what the outcome is (Not counting the “interactive” TV that charges a fortune to vote people off). This outcome varies greatly, from which ship you want to fly, to whether or not you want to join in the war that’s happening next door.

No other game that I’ve played on such a scale is so open to so many playing styles and choices. I’m a fan of FPS games, but again these tend to be linear, with choices limited to left or right at the end of passages.

I think Eve is a great game; I even like the pirates and scammers. After all, what’s the point of creating a utopian world? It just wouldn’t be realistic.

I’m back to ratting now, as you may have picked up on. The main aim at the moment is to get myself sorted in 0.0 space. That means having lots of liquid assets, spare ships and modules to fit them for multiple tasks.

I also want t equip my clones with the best implants, so that when I’m not playing I can jump back to safe space and learn that little bit quicker-but again, moeny is needed.

I’m now getting 200 damage from a good hit with my missiles after fitting my Drake with a bunch of rigs, my shield will also be getting a little better, once I can find some Purge rigs. Not sure why I’m going to fit them, I can already tank 3 BC and 4 Frigs without worrying.

I need to start trying to find some ice belts in the drone region, lots of POS’s are springing up, and selling ice products should be quite lucrative….

Bye for now, and fly safe.

"I dream of giving birth to a child who will ask, "Mother, what was war?"" ~Eve Merriam

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