Thursday, 14 June 2007

Peskey gate camps

Although it started nice enough it’s been a fairly annoying week.

During the weekend I did a bit more flying round shooting things than usuall, and even took a 50+ jump round trip to help some people out in their war (friends).

The call went out for help late last week, we were told that an alliance to our north was under attack and that Proper response were invading their space and trying to kick them out. As we were on good term with them our leaders said that we would help out with the fighting and send pilots accordingly.

Me and a corp mate set course on Saturday night and off we went, only to get their and find the whole situation in a mess, with no real leadership. No-one seemed to know what was going on, or where the bad guys were. Then talk came through that they were talking peace and that proper response may be surrendering. We wanted a fight god damn it!

Back we went to our own space, as reports were now coming in of a large fleet assembling in a system only 1 cyno jump from out home system, not a good place for it to be. Full throttle we headed back, guns at the ready, spoiling for a fight.

Half the way home we managed to catch up with two ships that belonged to a corp we know to be ISK farmers. One in an Iteron Mk 5 and the other in a Bestower, we decided to try and get them both.

As I was in the lead I over took them in warp (being in a frigate has it’s perks) and set up on the other side of the next gate they were due through whilst my corpie followed at a distance to help out once I had them locked in place.

Through one came, the Iteron, my eyes lit up. It could only be a matter of time before his friend came through and joined the (one sided) fight so I locked and activated my warp scrambler. Rockets tore through the space between us and into his hull, the ship turned, he was trying to warp. Then away he went, with his shield half way down he had got away. Going back through the gate I started looking for his friend when they both logged of. Any prospect of the kill gone.

We carried on home hoping that the fight would still be raging when we got their only to find it log over after the enemy fleet had disbanded, they either saw us mustering and thought better of it, or had met up to compare paint jobs. Either way, a night of crap PvP.

I then decided that it was time to fill up on some more skills and fly some much needed modules out to 0.0, so I clone jumped back into empire space.

I’d been their for less than ten minutes when I got killed at a gate camp in a 0.4 system. They were sat tanking the sentries on the gate, and popped my shuttle, and pod with a smart bomb as I warped to the gate. I lost a full set of +3 implants, I’ve avoided the market all day as I don’t really want to know the current value of them.

Tonight should be fun, back to empire, this time in a ship, so that I can re set my jump clone. Life sucks sometimes.

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